Consider how the flower grows

Consider how the flower grows

Abusive relationships have a way of tearing at who we are and exposing the dark places that were never fully developed. If you have low self esteem it eats at you and spits back out something injured and maimed. God formed you with care. And many times the person you’re with handles you with anything but care. You reminisce on the “good” of the relationship, the “happy” moments, the times when you willfully chose to put all the mistreatment behind you and focus on the now…and back through the cycle you went. Torn and left confused, hoping for a better tomorrow. For a better now. 

Luke 12:27-28 New American Standard Bible - NASB 1995(NASB1995)

Consider the lilies, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin; but I tell you, not even Solomon in all his glory clothed himself like one of these. But if God so clothes the grass in the field, which is alive today and tomorrow is thrown into the furnace, how much more will He clothe you? You men of little faith!

Now I would like to point out that in this context he speaks of clothing. And look at the care with which he cares for you. He is concerned about your livelihood, about your living day to day, what you wear and what you eat, when you lie down and go to sleep. He cares that it’s peaceful and that you’re able to rest in him. He cares so much that he provides, not only materialistically but spiritually. He gives you what your soul needs. You who live longer than the flower, would not he care for you too? Take his yoke upon you, for he is gentle and humble and you will find rest for your soul. Why would you not want this kind of love? The one that comforts you in your pain and sorrow, the one who sings over you in the night. The only one who is covering you while you cry from the mistreatment of your husband. The God who sees every tear. The God who sees you. El Roi. Look to him. Take comfort in him. May God give you the eyes to see and the heart to understand his abundant love for you. 

And for the ladies not married, if you have enough conviction to hold yourself to the standards of love, also hold it up for the man you are considering marrying. You’re not asking for perfection but for a man who models his love for you and others after the way Christ loves his church. Remember, you are building a life with this person, possibly raising children. Who you marry can affect the rest of your life. It is such an important decision. More than your college, your major, your daughters name. So choose with wisdom and prudence which you can only find in the Lord.

For the single mothers who fled their abusive marriages, remember our God, El Roi, the God who sees you. Remember how he saw Hagar in the wilderness when she left her son to die away from her because she couldn’t provide. How God heard their cries and he preserved them. Look at the compassion of our Lord. He has compassion on you and he wants you to know and experience his love. For it is greater than any man’s love. It is greater than anything you’ll experience. For love here is but a picture, a shadow of the things to come, an attempt we fall short at and fail. Consider how the flower grows and what that means about the character of the Lord and his thoughts toward you. They are too wonderful to behold. Did you forget he formed you in your mothers womb? Did you forget he knew you before you were known? Did you forget that we deserved death and the implications that come when you realize he gave us life and that eternally? Do you understand how great the purpose is in which he created you? You are for him, you are because of him and you can, and will, go on in him. It is the only way Mama. The only way you can pave the way for your children. He must be your light. 

That is why I put that verse on this phone case I designed. It’s a solemn reminder that he will get you through. That he has such a tender care for you, one you may not have experienced in your marriage.     

Floral Phone Case - Etsy


Lean not on your own understanding